Thursday, October 23, 2008

Enjoying Challah Advice for Gluten Free Diets.

I remember when a long time close friend revealed to me that her doctor diagnosed her as being gluten intolerant, her first concern was "How will I be able to enjoy Shabbat dinner without a good and fresh traditional challah?!" She has done a vast amount of inquiries on how to obtain great tasting gluten free challah, however was not able to get something which pleases her taste buds.

Then one day I happened to bump in to Mrs. Schlesinger, the chief baker at Heaven Mills Gluten Free Bakery located in Brooklyn, NY, and she convinced me that my Friend should give their challah a try. Mrs. Schlesinger went on to explain that for her past experience all customer that tried their gluten free challah once, continued to purchase it on a weekly basis.

I immediately contacted my friend and told her about my achievement. She did give them a try and has been ranting and raving about the Heaven Mills gluten Free Challah ever since.

Mrs. Schlessinger explained to me that baking Gluten Free challah is somewhat more of a challenge than gluten free bread, since it is expected that challah should be really fluffy, something that is a real challenge when baking gluten free. She finished off saying, "it was hard to get a good tasting gluten free challah, perhaps the hardest item in all of their products, but was worth the effort when I the smile and happiness on customers faces while leaving with their challahs in their bags."

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